The Sewers of Paris Valentine's Day Special (Ep. 47 - Love Stories)

On most episodes, we're on a search for entertainment that changed the lives of gay men. But this week, for Valentine's Day, I'm doing something special. Join me this Saturday, the 13th, for a live video chat with some friends about our favorite love stories. You can chat along with us on my YouTube channel, at 12 noon Pacific this Saturday. And you can follow me @mattbaume on twitter for a heads up when we go live.

Also on YouTube this week, I'll be posting some love stories sent in to me by listeners, twitter followers, and commenters. I asked folks to tell me how they met the people they love and I got some great responses. So check out my YouTube channel or twitter feed, @mattbaume, for that video -- I'm posting it on Friday, the 12th.

So in the mean time, I've decided to go for a little romantic paddle through the sewers on this gondola, just me and my two friends the alligator and the rat. And hey, who knows -- some more friends might float by. Friends like Louis Virtel, Edd Kimber, Kevin Yee, Terry Blas, Conor, and Terrence Moss.

A few of the movies mentioned this week:

Parisian Kevin MacLeod (
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