Sewers of Paris: Deranged but Thought-Out (Ep 312 - Frank DeCaro/The Munsters)

Sewers of Paris: Deranged but Thought-Out (Ep 312 - Frank DeCaro/The Munsters)
Matt Baume & Frank DeCaro

I’m so excited to bring you this week’s guest — the wonderful Frank DeCaro, writer, performer, pop culture encyclopedia. Frank was a role model for me back in the 90s when I would watch him on The Daily Show, and it was an absolute joy to geek out about pop culture with him and hear his disbelief that a weird little kid from Jersey got to grow up to have as many bonkers adventures as he has.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First a quick thanks to everyone who supports The Sewers of Paris on Patreon — including recent new members, Sinn Sage, Duffee, Bryan, and Fairy Onion Rings.

And if you’re like hearing about queer entertainment, check out my YouTube videos for dozens of deep dives into queer moments on TV and film that changed the world. I just posted a new video about hilarious old holiday commercials that prey on heterosexual insecurities, and how commercials for queer folks are surprisingly different.

Also, if you’d like to hang out, join me for regular livestreams over at every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon for games and fun friendly chit chat.