Queer Dark Souls (Ep 351 - Dark Souls/Illusory Wall)

Queer Dark Souls (Ep 351 - Dark Souls/Illusory Wall)
Matt Baume & Illusory Wall

My guest this week is the YouTuber who goes by the name Illusory Wall. He’s dedicated himself to unraveling the mysteries of the often-bewildering games in the Dark Souls franchise — dark gothic mysteries full of strange horrors and hidden treasures. What was once a niche interest has become an obsession, and, as of very recently, his full time job.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First — a reminder that I’ve been posting lots of fun videos about queer pop culture history over on my YouTube — I’ve got one coming this weekend about the movie Mannequin and the unlikely queer heroism of Hollywood Montrose. And you can also head over to Patreon to see even more bonus videos.

Also check out my cute little newsletter where I share sneak peeks at what I’m working on at mattbaume.com.

Also a big thanks to everyone who supports the Sewers of Paris on Patreon. And to everyone who’s reviewed it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen.