Attracted to Jesus (Ep 326 - Michelangelo & Judy Garland/Rob Urbinati)

Attracted to Jesus (Ep 326 - Michelangelo & Judy Garland/Rob Urbinati)
Matt Baume & Rob Urbinati

My guest this week is Rob Urbanati, a New York playwright and director. He had a unique upbringing — he grew up openly gay in a small suburb in the 1960s, and people were generally accepting. That gave him an unusual freedom to explore the gay scene, the hippie scene, the club scene, and the drug scene. But the great mystery that he wonders about to this day is how he wound up interested in the movies and art that he did.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First, a quick thanks to everyone who supports the Sewers of Paris on Patreon. And to everyone who’s reviewed it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen.

And just a reminder that I’ve started a new weekly newsletter for all the stuff I’m working on. You can sign up at — each week I give you a little sneak peek into stuff in the works, little bits of weird fun cultural artifacts I’ve uncovered in various archives, and of course links to cute animal videos.

Also check out my YouTube videos for deep dives into queer pop culture history. That’s at

And I hope you’ll join me for regular videogame livestreams over every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon at 5pm pacific — a new later time!