I Prefer the Term "Enchanted" (Ep 325 - Joe/Bewitched)

I Prefer the Term "Enchanted" (Ep 325 - Joe/Bewitched)
Matt Baume & Joe

You might’ve seen that I just released a new video over on YouTube about the queer secrets of the show Bewitched, and how this bizarre sitcom from the 60s managed to be about homosexuality without ever saying so. For this week’s episode, we’re jumping into the Sewers archives for another conversation about witchcraft — it’s my 2015 interview with a Minnesota entertainer named Joe, a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence who was inspired by imaginary worlds and TV witches to conjure up magic wherever he went, whether it was on military bases or in his ice cream truck.

But first, a, a quick thanks to everyone who supports the Sewers of Paris on Patreon. Visit Patreon.com/mattbaume to join the folks who make the show possible and get some backer rewards.

And just a reminder that I’ve got a weekly newsletter for all the stuff I’m working on. You can sign up at mattbaume.com — each week I give you a little sneak peek into upcoming projects, little bits of weird fun cultural artifacts I’ve uncovered in various archives, and of course links to cute animal videos.

Also check out my YouTube videos for deep dives into queer pop culture history. That’s at youtube.com/mattbaume. The latest one is all about the secret queerness of the show Bewitched.

And I hope you’ll join me for regular livestreams — I hang out every Saturday on YouTube starting at 11am pacific, and on Twitch at Twitch.tv/mattbaume every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon at 5pm pacific.